Tuesday, February 17, 2015

We Don't Need No Education... (updated)

Just a couple thoughts regarding the big stink some pundits are making about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and the fact that he never graduated college...

...a degree by itself is no measurement nor guarantee that the person is capable of good job performance...

...eleven U.S. Presidents never earned a college degree, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln...

...one of the least-capable presidents of all time holds an MBA from an Ivy League school...

...Sarah Palin has a college degree...

So let's just call a halt to all this foolishness. There are many good reasons to keep Walker from gaining the Oval Office.... but the lack of a college degree is not one of them.

UPDATE: Scott Walker is picking the wrong fight.

Not long after I wrote this column, Gov. Walker appeared in an interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly... and decided to take the Santorum Approach to the idea of a college education.  Prompted by Kelly's remark that Sec. Hillary Clinton has a degree from Yale, Walker chimed:

"I think there's a lot of Americans who have looked at some of the leaders we've had over the last few years who've come out of those Ivy League schools and said, 'Maybe it's time we got people who are in touch with people all across the rest of America'."

Granted, one of those recent leaders was Pres. George W. Bush (BA, Yale and MBA, Harvard). Still, Walker's need to criticize those who were successful in earning a post-secondary degree is a bad strategy. No one who aspires to be the Commander in Chief should try to get there by ridiculing the education accomplishments of others.

Then again, this is the same Gov. Walker who wants to make massive cuts to his state's education system. Perhaps his lack of a degree has caused some personal bitterness...?

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